Sherwood Pet Health Adult Rabbit Food Timothy Hay Pellet 4.5 lbs. Hay-Based, Grain-Free, Soy-Free for Better Digestion


This formula uses whole natural ingredients and supplements to provide complete and balanced nutrition that covers all of your rabbits needs for a healthy and active lifestyle in every bite - no selective feeding of colorful treats.. This includes:.Natural vitamins and phytonutrients (so you don't have to feed synthetic or animal sourced versions).Minerals and micronutrients (so you can know they aren't missing any). This is necessary for dental health too.Antioxidants and essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (important for heart, brain, and cell membrane health).High fiber prebiotics, including: short and long-strand fibers for optimal digestive health and immune health. Switching brands doesn't have to be hard on your rabbits digestion with Sherwood's real hay-based formula for natural great taste and nutrition that is grain and soy-free. No cheap fillers or by-products that take the place of hay (like soybean hulls or rice hulls)



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