Stargazer Barn Autumn Sunrise Bouquet Royal Lilies Fresh Flowers Bouquet - Overnight Prime Delivery, Fresh Cut Bouquet of Flowers for Thanksgiving, Fall, Birthday, Anniversary - 10 Multi-Bud Stems


Arrangement includes: 10 multi-bud stems of unscented Lilies. Each stem may have 2-3 flower buds..Bud Form for Long-Lasting Blooms: Indulge in our beautiful bouquet of flowers! They're shipped in bud form and will bloom in 1 to 2 days so they'll last longer and you can enjoy their beauty for days!.Great Gift to Loved Ones: Be it for family or friends, our flower bouquets are perfect to give to your mom, wife, sister, or daughter! Tick the box "This is a gift" and add a personalized message. Orders without a gift message will be sent anonymously..Ensure Freshness: Our freshly cut flowers are shipped overnight, so they'll arrive fresh to your door! Unfortunately, we're unable to deliver on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday..Sustainably Grown in California: Grown in our farm in Northern California, our fresh flowers have large, vibrant heads that beautifully bloom to add color to your life!.Ideal for Every Occasion: Need a birthday gift, get well soon, or Mothers Day gifts? Our flower arrangements will surely brighten anyone's day! You can also display them as decorations for living room.

