12 Pc 6"-7" Color Your Own Zoo Animal Masks


o HAVE A BLAST! - Kids will have a blast adding color to their zoo masks, and it's a simple activity that makes a zoo day even more memorable. o ENJOY A SELF-SOOTHING ACTIVITY - Sometimes, little kids can have big emotions, and they might not always know how to calm themselves down. Coloring is a great stress-relieving activity for both kids and adults. So, take the time to unwind with this color your own project and let the parent/child bonding begin! o LEARN & DEVELOP LANGUAGE - Coloring is more than just a fun activity for kids! Letting your child color, scribble and doodle is also the perfect time to practice naming primary colors and to teach them about other hues of colors. Discuss their creations and help them learn about the animals they've just colored in! o SPARK IMAGINATION & PROMOTE SELF-EXPRESSION - Give your little artists wings with this fun coloring project. Let kids choose their colors and watch their creativity take flight! Product Description: These safari animal masks are the DIY activity that kids can decorate themselves before or after a zoo trip. It's a great classroom aid for teaching kids about animals; many students retain information better if they're busy with their hands. After kids use markers, paint and colored pencils to customize their zoo-venirs, they can take them home as classroom giveaways or birthday party favors. Some assembly required. Size: 6" - 7 3/4" Quantity: 12 Material: Cardstock with elastic bands. © OTC Age Recommendation: Ages 5 & Up: Containing medium-sized pieces with the occasional angular edge, these lightweight to sturdy crafts may require some assembly such as stringing beads or gluing items to create a 3-dimensional project.


Oriental Trading Company