Benny Bully's Liver Mix Dog Food Topper Made with Pure Beef Liver | Helps Dogs with Eating | Different Size Pieces Including Crumbs | Large Bag 1pound


Liver is the #1 dog treat flavour and this is pure 100% beef liver that is loved by all canine breeds including Retrievers, Labradors, Terriers, Sheppards and more.Net Weight is 1 pound and typically lasts 2-3 months depending on breed and size; Good for over 1 year.Sprinkle and mix into kibble or dog food as a topping to help with eating or as a treat; great for puppies too.Low calorie, vitamin rich protein that is healthy and an all natural dog food topper (or use on its own as a treat or for training).Golosinas de hígado para perros; añadir a la comida, ayuda a comer, Toda natural saludable



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