Local 15 Tail Light
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Staying safe on the road is probably the most important part of a commute, and it's pretty hard to make that happen if you're riding without lights. Let the Blackburn Local 15 Tail Light send out a glow to help you stay visible, and as safe as possible when your ride is hit with dim lighting, or early sunsets. It provides three different modes, from the steady High to two different flashing options, so you can decide just how flashy you're feeling. It runs off of two AA batteries, eliminating the stress of always having to recharge in the office mid-day, and instead running for a whopping 48 to 108-hours on one set, with an easy swap to a new pair of batteries when you light starts to get dim. The light features two mounting systems, a clip for securing to your rack or panniers, and a silicone strap that grabs onto your seat post for a snug fit.

