QYSEA FIFISH V6 Expert Underwater ROV Drone with Robotic Arm - M100A Bundle 100M Tether & Spool + Industrial Case Included+Arm
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Underwater Drone: The FISH V6 Expert from QYSEA is a professional-class underwater robot that enhances your underwater missions and operations. Compact Size: The FISH V6 Expert is your high-performance and multi-functional underwater productivity solution. Operational ROV Platform: The FISH V6 Expert is a compact and operational ROV platform that is perfect for your underwater needs. Remote Controlled Underwater Camera: The FISH V6 Expert is a remote-controlled underwater camera that is perfect for scuba diving and other underwater activities. This bundle includes the V6 Expert ROV, a 100m tether with a spool, VR goggles, a remote controller, an ROV charger, a remote control charger, a rolling industrial case, spare propellers, and a robotic arm (with add-on grippers).

