Orion SkyScanner BL135mm Dobsonian Reflector Telescope Kit for Beginner Adults & Families - with Moon Filter, Planisphere, MoonMap & Observer's Guide

Price Comparison


Compact Dobsonian telescope offers beginning stargazers hands-on ease of use for scanning the night sky.With this value-added Kit you get three additional, helpful accessories: a Moon Filter, our Star Target Planisphere, and Orion's 174-page Telescope Observer's Guide.Big 135mm (5.3") primary mirror delivers bright, detailed views of the lunar surface, Saturn's rings, Jupiter's cloud bands and moons, bright star clusters and gaseous nebulas.Comes with quality 25mm Kellner and 10mm Plossl eyepieces that deliver 44x and 110x magnifying power, and a 3x Barlow lens that triples the magnification.Also includes red dot LED finder scope and Orion's MoonMap 260 to help you identify craters, mountains, and more on the lunar surface

