smallbatch Pets Freeze-Dried Premium Raw Food Diet for Dogs, Pork Recipe, 14 oz, Made in The USA, Organic Produce, Humanely Raised Meat, Hydrate and Serve Patties, Single Source Protein, Healthy

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Wholesome and Healthy Diet for Dogs – Drastically improve the quality of your dog’s food by adding Smallbatch Freeze Dried food to their diet. We use responsibly sources meats, organic produce, and high-quality, whole-food supplements. It provides the great benefits of raw food without the need to freeze or thaw. Our freeze-dried diets are 100% complete, balanced and healthy. It does not need to mixed with any other food. Simply hydrate and serve..What’s in the Bag? – Each bag of our 14oz freeze-dried chicken dog food has about 50 sliders. All meats are responsibly sourced and harvested. Our produce is organic. The foundation of our business is in the sourcing. We only partner with locally procured ranchers and farmers that maintain transparent food policies and that are committed to providing leadership in sustainability and land stewardship. It’s how we’ve served our customers for the 15+ years in business..No Synthetic Vitamins, No Pesticides, No Fillers, Non-GMO, No Antibiotics, No Hormones - It’s simple—we believe in raw nutrition the way nature intended, so we never add a synthetic vitamin pack to our raw formulas. Instead, the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients our pets need come from whole food sources. Ingredients like basil, oregano, thyme, raw apple cider vinegar, salmon oil, & ocean kelp provide the vitamins and minerals necessary to help your pup thrive..Can be used as a Food, Topper, or Treat – Feed our sliders all by itself or add it to current food for a tasty and nutritional boost. The sliders can be easily broken or crumbled into smaller pieces to feed as you see fit. Our food is extremely versatile!.Palatable – The food is high in fresh meat content as we only use the highest quality ingredients. What more could your dog want? Simply put, they are going to love it!



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