4health Grain Free Adult Beef and Vegetables in Gravy Wet Dog Food, 13.2 oz.
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Going grain-free? The 4health Grain Free Adult Beef and Vegetables in Gravy Wet Dog Food ensures all your dog's nutritional needs are met. The grain-free formula is ideal for dogs who have a sensitive stomach, and the hearty beef and vegetable stew flavor delivers great taste and excellent nutrients. Not only is it made with real beef, but this dog food also features peas and carrots - making for a well-balanced diet. All 4health wet and dry dog food formulas have minimal ingredients that may cause allergic reactions and upset stomachs in pets. Designed to meet the nutritional needs adult dogs of all breeds and sizes Grain-free formula dog food ideal for those with sensitive stomachs Made with real beef as the main ingredient, ensuring your dog gets high-quality protein Beef nourishes dogs by helping build, heal and maintain body tissues, and by protecting the immune system Mouthwatering beef and vegetable stew flavor has the perfect combination of meat and veggies Includes peas and carrots for a balanced diet Each can of 4health dog food formula provides species specific probiotics to specifically aid digestion and modulate the immune system of canines Contains no meat byproducts No corn, wheat or soy All 4health wet and dry formulas have minimal ingredients that may cause allergic reactions and upset stomachs in pets Made in USA Comes in a 13.2 oz. can of wet dog food Meets the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance


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