4health Grain Free Adult Chicken and Vegetables Formula Dry Dog Food
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The 4health Grain Free Adult Chicken and Vegetables Formula Dry Dog Food is designed to keep your pet healthy from head to paw. It's chock full of important nutrients to help support your dog's immune system, digestion, joints, skin and coat health, heart health and much more. What more could you ask for from a dog food formula? This flavor of dry dog food also features real chicken and wholesome vegetables to deliver a mouthwateringly good taste that your pet is sure to love. So pick up a bag of 4health dog food today; it's available in several different sizes to suit your household's needs. Made in the USA. This dog food is ideal for adult-aged pets, including Extra-Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large breeds. It contains guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E for immune-supporting antioxidant nutrition. Adult dog food provides lots of energy and nutrition for active and working dogs Formulated with select ingredients and underwent rigorous quality control processes Fortified with taurine to support heart health and eye health Probiotics help maintain the proper balance in your dog's digestive system; each cup of dry dog food provides live, active cultures that help support healthy digestion Contains guaranteed levels of zinc, selenium and vitamin E for immune-supporting antioxidant nutrition Blend of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids helps keep the skin and coat healthy and shiny Contains 300 mg/kg of glucosamine hydrochloride and 100 mg/kg chondroitin sulfate to support joint health Real chicken is the number 1 ingredient for a delicious, savory taste Made in the USA Dog food is available in several different pack sizes to suit your needs 4health Grain Free Formulation Chicken and Vegetables for Adult Dogs is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance Note: The facility in which this dog food is made also makes food that may contain other ingredients, such as grains; t


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