4health Grain Free Adult Turkey and Sweet Potato Stew Wet Dog Food, 13.2 oz.
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Make the most of mealtimes. The 4health Grain Free Adult Turkey and Sweet Potato Stew Wet Dog Food has zero fillers and zero additives to make sure your dog only eats the best. This flavor of canned dog food features real turkey and vegetables for a complete, balanced diet that dogs need. Not only is it healthy, but it's also super flavorful and mouthwatering. Comes in 13.2 oz. cans of wet dog food. Premium quality wet dog food, developed specifically to meet the nutritional needs of adult dogs Provides species specific probiotics to specifically aid digestion and modulate the immune system of canines Formula uses real turkey to offer full nutrition to your pet Turkey, a high-quality source of protein, nourishes dogs by helping build, heal and maintain body tissues, and by protecting the immune system Sweet potato contributes to a balanced diet Super flavorful recipe that dogs love All 4health wet and dry formulas have minimal ingredients that may cause allergic reactions and upset stomachs in pets No corn, wheat, soy, or meat byproducts and no artificial colors, preservatives or flavors 13.2 oz. can of wet dog food Meets the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for maintenance


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