Halo Elevate Dry Dog Food, Grain Free Salmon Recipe, 20lb

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Optimize your dog's well-being with our science-backed nutrition, supporting top 5 health needs: Digestive health with live probiotics, Heart & Immunity Support with guaranteed taurine and vitamin E, Healthy Skin & Coat enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and Hip & Joint Support featuring leading levels of glucosamine and chondroitin..Real Meat Dog Food: 20lb bag of Halo Elevate Grain-free Salmon Recipe dry dog food is made with real Salmon with 90% of protein sourced from animals providing strength and energy and freeze-dried raw coated for incredible taste.Wholesome Nutrition: Highly nutritious natural dog food with added vitamins and minerals for a complete and balanced diet, plus it’s cooked in the USA with high-quality ingredients, including non-GMO vegetables.Recipe transparency you can see and trust: Our precision-formulated dog food ensures complete nutrition while the full list of ingredients is clearly displayed on the bag for quick and easy comprehension.Only the Good Stuff: Satisfy your bestie with healthy dog food with absolutely no corn, wheat, soy and no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives for healthy nutrition



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