Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Adult Grain Free-Dry Dog Food, Chicken & Sweet Potato Recipe, 12 Pound (Pack of 1)

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CHICKEN IS THE SINGLE ANIMAL PROTEIN SOURCE providing essential protein and amino acids to help maintain strong muscles; Sweet potatoes are included as a grain-free source of fiber to help support digestive health; Contains (1) 12-Pound Bag.WITH SENSITIVE PETS IN MIND we’ve carefully chosen a simplified list of premium ingredients to help support a healthy coat, skin & digestive system; made with a single animal protein source, and no added grain, soy, gluten, or artificial colors or flavors.NUTRIENTS FROM OUR CHICKEN & SWEET POTATO RECIPE crafted with nutritious ingredients such as sweet potatoes and flaxseed; Complete and balanced with essential nutrients to help maintain your dog's healthy immune system.NUTRITION FOR EVERY TYPE OF DOG Any dog can enjoy our delicious recipes, not just dogs with sensitive stomachs, irritable skin or allergies; Our purposefully crafted formulas reduce the number of ingredients without sacrificing taste or nutrition.SAFETY & TRANSPARENCY Natural Balance's 'Feed with Confidence' program tests every batch of food from start to finish, ensuring safety with every bite; Validate bag on our site or call our Customer Care Team of Registered Veterinary Technicians



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