Yes! Canvas Pad 9x12"


Features: Wet media Canvas pad (10 sheets), 11oz Weight 100% Unbleached cotton Canvas, patented Priming accepts All media, and the best Canvas you can find that accepts All of your media tools.Perfect For: Watercolors, oils, acrylics, markers, shellac and acrylic-based inks, airbrush Colors & alkyds, heavy body to acrylic based inks to airbrush Colors, you can easily draw on it, Paint on it with any media, great for making Color charts, and class projects and studies for large scale works.Material: Each Yes! Canvas Pad is made from 100% Unbleached cotton and is triple-primed with acid free special wet media primer to leave Each Surface portrait-smooth with a fine weave.Travel: Are you looking for an All purpose cotton Canvas pad for Travel and Painting for both indoors and outdoors? Well look no further becaUse the Yes! Multi Media Cotton Canvas Pad is Perfect For you and will accept All types of wet media for a Professional and lightWeight Traveling experience.Variety: We offer various Sizes for our Yes! Multi Media Cotton Canvas Pads including: 6x8", 8.5x11", 9x12", 11x14", 12x16", and 16x20"; Each pad has 10 triple-primed sheets

