Jet International Black Jasper 5 Element Tumbled Stones Thick Genuine Earth Wiccan Pagan Pouch Gift Air Water Earth Fire Spirit Pentacle Star Spiritual Psychic Metaphysical


Beautiful 5 Elemental Earth Stone Sets in Black Jasper Tumbled Stones Genuine Gemstone with Velvet Pouch. Approx. 1.5" Length * 1 - 1.25" Breadth * 0.75" Thick.Jasper is considered a Power Stone and a stone that accepts intense responsibility as a Protection Stone. Jasper gives one the courage to speak out and have personal independence..ELEMENT OF EARTH Earth Season, Symbols, Direction, & Colors - Winter; Pentacle, Stone; North; Browns, Blacks, and Greens Earth Related to - Stability, Strength, Comfort, Grounding, Harvest, Animals, Root Chakra Earth Magical Uses - Money, Success in Business, Fertility, Peace, Grounding & Centering Energies, Growing Plants.The Earth element is the most powerful of all the elements. The Earth is our source of stability, yet a large Earthquake can destabilise us in a matter of seconds..According to the ancient Indian knowledge, the Five Elements - or the five pillars of Creation - are the building blocks of the universe. In order, the elements are: Earth, Fire, Sky, Water and Air.

