Open Farm Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food, Humanely Raised Meat Recipe with Non-GMO Superfoods and No Artificial Flavors or Preservatives (3.5 Ounce (Pack of 1), Farmer's Table Pork)


HUMANELY SOURCED PORK: Our gluten-free recipe is made with pure cuts of meat, organs, and bone from pork raised without artificial flavors or by-products. Plus, it's Certified Humane, so you can feel good about the food that’s in your dog’s bowl..MORE WAYS TO FEED: Boost their kibbles with the ultimate meaty taste that can't be beat by other wet mixers or toppers. Mix it into meals as either dry nuggets or use its absorbency to rehydrate it with a little water for soft, moist bites..FULL COVERAGE NUTRITION: Treat any breed to nature’s best-- a blend that uses bits of meat and vegetables to supply vital health benefits through protein and probiotic fiber, all in a small resealable travel pouch container for easy scoop and serve..FROM FARM TO BOWL: Dogs crave meat by wild primal instinct, so our recipe makes it the 1st ingredient. Then we skip the wheat, corn, and potato in favor of fresh superfoods like pumpkin and blueberries for extra wellness and an honest balanced diet..100% TRANSPARENCY: As a part of our commitment to transparent sourcing practices, we provide owners with the ability to trace the origin of every ingredient using the lot number on the bag, because where pet foods come from shouldn’t be a mystery.



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