Netflix Squid Game Marbles 2-Player Game Inspired by The Show | Adult Games | Fun Games | Family Games | Party Games | Games for Adults & Teens 18+


SQUID GAME MARBLES: Play 6 exclusive marble challenges inspired by the jaw-dropping Netflix show. Choose from games in easy, medium, or hard levels. Perfect for parties- adult games for game night, board games for adults & more..HOW TO PLAY: For this game, you will be playing in teams of two. Find someone you wish to play the game with. Each player will take one bag. Each bag has a set of ten marbles..HOW TO WIN: Using your set of marbles, you will play marble challenges of your choice against your partner. The player who manages to lose two challenges is eliminated. Let the game begin!.SPIN MASTER GAMES: Looking for games for family game night? Our toys & games offer a range from kids games to board games for adults, puzzles for adults & kids, and outdoor games..BOARD GAMES FOR FAMILY NIGHT: Switch it up with yard games, party games, & couples games. Don't forget 1000 piece puzzles for adults & card games for adults too! Plus board games for kids 8-12 & games for kids ages 4-8..Includes 20 Marbles, 2 Bags, 4 Punch Sheets, Instructions.Covered by the Spin Master Care Commitment. See below for full details

