First Light's Original Fresh Green Organic Premium Grade A Matooke Banana, Guineo verde. Watch out for other knockoff products, make sure it is shipped by First Light before ordering. The fruit is harvested green, you can then carefully peel it and then cook it; often mashed or pounded into a meal. (10 Count 5 Ib)


Original Fresh Green Organic. A very good and suitable recipe for making Matooke, a locally known food in Uganda..In some Spanish communities, it is known as Guineo verde. Where it is used for various purposes but most commonly for making pasteles..Some people use the peeled off leaves (banana skin) on their barbecue grills to give their barbecued meat/chicken a special flavor. (Note: Not proven but worth a try).Can be pounded or mashed into a meal..Easy to peel and cooks fast.

