14 lb Louisiana Crawfish Co Seafood Jambalaya Turducken


Ingredients: turkey, rice, chicken, duck, water, cream of mushroom soup, shrimp, crawfish, yellow onions, butter, salt, rotel tomatoes, celery, green bell peppers, corn starch, paprika, spices, garlic, parsley..Cooking Instructions: Remove from bag. Bake at 325°F, breast side up, on a rack in a roasting pan, covered for 4 hours, then uncovered for 30 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Allow turducken to cool for 20 minutes to seal in juices. Remove netting. Slice off wings and drumsticks. Cut 1/2 inch slices across, then down the center..Thawing Instructions: Turducken must thaw completely before cooking. For best results, remove from box, leave in vacuum-sealed bag and thaw in refrigeration for approximately 48 hours or in cold water for 6-8 hours..Allergens: CRAWFISH, SHRIMP (may contain sulfites), MILK, SOY, WHEAT

