Atwood Rope MFG Parapocalypse Paracord 7-Strand Core with Fire Starter Waxed Jute, 10lb Mono Fishing Line, Dyna-x, and Kevlar Cord 625lb Test (Woodland, 25)


Based with our 5/32in 550 Paracord with waxed jute, 10lb fishing line, Dyna-x, and Kevlar 110lb test.Our wax coated, waterproof jute is designed to start fires in any situation, even in a downpour.The Nano Kevlar 110lb test is great for cooking over a fire or friction sawing through materials.Dyna-x is great for low-stretch, ultra-strong applications like hoisting or mending clothes.The 10lb Mono-filament Fishing Line can catch fish or suture wounds

