SPY+ - MARAUDER SE, Seafoam, Happy Bronze Turquoise Mirror + Happy LL Persimmon Silver Mirror, Medium, Goggles, Unisex, Adult

Price Comparison


[Lens Technology : Cylindrical Injected Dual HAPPY Lens] See Happy with Happy Lens Technology Cylindrical lens built on a base curve only in the X axis. SPY’s Superior Injected Curve lenses create a curved shape that provides better impact protection and higher quality optics..[Usage Conditions : Cat. 3 lens] Sunny weather Darker lenses and strong mirrors shield your eyes from the sun on bluebird days when SPF is a must..[Ventilation system : Rise] Vents above the goggle promoting air flow RISE ventilation system utilizes the Venturi effect to draw air through subframe vents above the goggle, creating a vacuum that pulls hot air from behind the lens..[Additional Features : Dead Bolt Lens Change System] Magnetic lens attachment allows quick replacement Deadbolt’s magnets securely guide the lens into place while the locking levers bolt it down..[Lens Coating : Anti-fog Coating] Reduces lens fogging Reduces the amount of fog or condensation that builds upon the lenses.

