Emmy's Best EBPP Free Range Dog Food Topper 10oz - Freeze Dried Raw Dog Food - Elk & Venison Dog Food Additives - Made in The USA

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Nutritional Booster for Vital Nutrients - Think of our freeze dried dog food toppers as dog food seasoning that gives your dog the nutritional boost they need for a well balanced diet. Our delicious topper also adds moist and meaty dog food flavor to any kibble or dry food for enhanced flavor and taste. Perfect for senior pets. Excellent dog food toppers for picky eaters, and for those pups who just need a burst of flavor.Top Quality Ingredients - Our real meat dog food topper is 100% raw, freeze dried elk & venison meat, organs & bone meal for dogs. No additives, fillers or preservatives. Our freeze dried dog food toppers combine all the best features of organic dog food, dehydrated dog food, bone broth for dogs, and raw dog food into one product. Dogs love the taste, and owners love the nutritional benefits.Made in the USA - At Emmy's Best Pet Products, we believe pets ARE members of our family, and that's why we provide pet products with only the highest quality ingredients available. We source and produce all our products in the USA with superior quality control.Food Your Dog Craves - After lots of love and attention, give your faithful friend what they want and need most - food they would eat if they were in the wild. Our free-range elk & venison formula is an easy, fun, and delicious way to give your dog a wild-sourced, delicious meal that has all the benefits of a raw diet that is recommended by health experts.Just Sprinkle On - Add one scoop per cup of wet or dry food. One scoop a day for small dogs, two scoops for medium dogs, and three scoops a day for big dogs. A quick sprinkle can entice a picky eater and provide vital nutrition for dogs of all sizes, breeds, and ages. It's just that simple



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