Handheld Metal Alloy Tester Portable XRF Gold Precious Metal Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer


Comprehensive elemental analysis: Ability to detect and analyze a wide range of elements from calcium to uranium, providing detailed information on the composition of the alloy..Industry-Leading Performance: Provides fast and accurate analysis of metal alloys comparable to laboratory quality without damaging the sample. It has high precision and fast speed, close to laboratory-level analysis level, and can visually display the percentage content and ppm content of heavy metal elements..One-button operation, easy to master: Designed with simple one-button operation, even non-technical personnel can operate it easily, and the entire analysis process only takes 1~2 S..Remote control and multi-platform data synchronization: Remote control through software on Windows systems to achieve multi-platform data synchronization and easily manage analysis results..Applicable to multiple industry standards: Complies with multiple industry and international standards such as American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), National Standard (GB), International Material Marking (UNS), etc. to ensure wide applicability.

