Green Dragon Boomerang - Right Handed


We strive at Colorado Boomerangs to provide the best quality boomerang products for ages 5-85. A boomerang optimized for a 7-13 year old would find a boomerang like the "Green Dragon Boomerang" to be near ideal. It is light enough for small arms but it has graphics which a kid would also like and real airfoils for a great return..With a Colorado Boomerang you can be assured that it is a real returning boomerang. We are in the boomerang industry and we care about your success with our products..We hope you give our real boomerangs a try and develop a love for the sport. Seeing a boomerang twirl in the wind and wind it's way back to you in the air is addicting!.The Green Dragon is not just a COOL LOOKING boomerang for kids. It is a real boomerang optimized for their success and introduction to the sport. This model is a right handed version. Watch the video and enjoy our great sport!

