Unlimited Solar Flare Gongs - 18". Includes Traditional Chinese Gong, Mallet & Rope/Lathed Bronze/Concentrated & Controlled Tone/For Sound Healing, Meditation & Yoga


This listing includes the Unlimited Solar Flare Gong of your choice and a traditional Chinese gong mallet..The Sun Gong, what we at Gongs Unlimited call the Solar Flare Gong, is a less traditional Chinese Gong than some of the other styles. It is basically a Wind Gong, but with concentric bands of lathed and unlathed circles. The unlathed parts control the crash and splash, less than a Wind Gong. The rings concentrate the tones and it does not open up sound-wise like a fully lathed gong..It's a more recent design created by Chinese gong makers and is available to all gong sellers, so we felt compelled to put it in the Traditional section..Navigators since the days of yore have depended on the stars as a reliable source of light by which to guide their journeys. From the starting point of the shores of home to the bull's-eye of their destination, stars are where it's at for getting us where we need to go. And for those of us tethered to the earth by gravity there is no greater star than the Sun..18" diameter

