Amazon Brand - Wag Dry Dog Food Grain-Free Salmon & Lentil Recipe, High Protein (4 lb bag)


Real American salmon is the #1 ingredient in this delicious blend.Nutritious vegetables like lentils and peas provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients; salmon oil and flaxseed provide omega-3 fatty acids, including long-chain DHA.Contains no added grain, corn, or wheat; no added artificial colors, flavors, or chemical preservatives.Made in California, USA, at a family-owned facility with trusted, high-quality sources from around the world.Our recipes are formulated with the help of veterinarians and a pet nutritionist.Gradual transitioning is important to help avoid dietary upsets. Please allow 7–10 days (10–14 days for sensitive dogs) to ease the transition from your dog's current food. Each day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more Wag food..4 LB bag of Wag Dry Dog Food, Salmon & Lentil Recipe.An Amazon brand



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