10 Pc Baseball Mylar Balloon Bouquet


Score a home run with these party decorations displayed at your baseball-themed birthday party, Little League event or other celebration. Group these balloons together into one large bouquet or several smaller displays, or set each balloon out individually across the party space. No matter how you use them, this party décor is sure to be a big hit! (10 pcs. per unit)Includes:o 3 Anagram(TM) Championship Baseball Mylar Balloons (18")o 3 Red Star Mylar Balloons (18")o 3 Silver Star Mylar Balloons (18")o 1 Polypropylene Curling Ribbon (This strong, deep crimp polypropylene ribbon is 100% waterproof. 3/16" x 500 yds.)o Assortments are subject to change at any time and may vary from picture shown. Substituted items will be similar in nature.


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