BRECK'S - Frozen Queen Calla Lily - A one of Kind Calla Lily That Will Make a Huge Statement in Your Garden or as a Potted Plant on Your Summer Patio - 1 dormant Bulb per Offer


Each Offer includes one dormant bare root calla lily tuber measuring 12 to 14 cm in diameter.Grows in full sun to partial shade, but avoid being in direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day.In most places, dig up the bulbs in the fall - Your Frozen Queen bulbs will be delivered in spring. If growing them outdoors, they should be planted as soon as the risk of frost has passed. Bulbs can safely be left in the ground all year in hardiness zones 9-10, as well as in zone 8 when the ground is covered with a heavy mulch. In cooler climates, lift bulbs in fall after the foliage yellows. Store them in a dark place at a constant temperature of 40-50°F until replanting the following spring..Use any regular potting soil, keeping it humid but making sure no standing water gathers inside the pot. In fall, when the growing season is over, allow Frozen Queen to go dormant. Discontinue watering, let the foliage die off and then move your plants to a dark area. Store them for two to three months at 40-50°F, then it will be time to restart the growth cycle. Consider repotting bulbs in fresh calla lily Not only can this special calla lily add tremendous colour and form outside your home, it's also fantastic to grow indoors, beautifying any room it occupies! Potted plants should be placed near a window, but avoid placing them directly in the hot midday sun because this could burn the leaves. We suggest proximity to an East-facing window, where they will get morning sun, or a Western window that lets in late-afternoon sunshine. Plants perform best at temperatures of 65-75°F..Grows 16 to 18 inches tall and wide.Can grow outside, after danger of frost in USDA zones 3 to 10 - Lift in the fall in all zones, except zones 9 to 10

