Harzole Wheel Weight Wheel Balance Weight FN -M75 FN Style Wheel Weight Kit 75pcs 10g to 60g


Harzole FN-M75 1BOX 75pcs 5G TO 60G Lead Free FN type Wheel Weight (CWB-M70).FN type For alloy wheels of most Japanese cars.Specification: Color: Grey 75pcs/box 5g 5pcs,10g 5pcs, 15g 20pc, 20g 15pcs, 25g 5pcs, 30g 5pc, 40g 5pcs, 50g 5pc, 60g 5pcs.Eco friendly, 50 state legal, zinc coated Steel weights..High zinc micron + epoxy double paint coating makes the best rust prevention possible.

