Beat That! -The Bonkers Battle Game


Ever had the satisfaction of throwing a paper ball in the bin from across the room? Well, that feeling is what this game is all about! Bet on your skills with solo challenges, battle royales, buddy ups and duels. Win by betting on your ability to successfully complete a series of ridiculous dexterity-based challenges. With a variety of tricky and outrageous challenges to test your skills, this board game will have you hooked in seconds. o Limber up and prepare to bounce, flip, stack, hop, roll, blow, balance, and catapult your way to victory! Win points by betting on your ability to successfully complete a series of ridiculous dexterity-based family games for game night o Family games for kids and adults allow all players to attempt the same challenges, so get ready for the ultimate showdown o A huge variety of funny, tricky, and outrageous challenges to test your skills o These games for family night take 2 mins to learn, guarantees hours of belly-busting laughter! Recommended for 2-8 players o Contains 160 challenge cards, 10 reusable & recyclable custom plastic cups, 5 ping pong balls, 80 betting tokens, 4 dice, a sand timer, memo pads, a pair of chopsticks, a tape measure, a rule booklet Age Recommendation: Ages 9 and up


Oriental Trading Company