'Mountain Globe Yellow' Picture Frame Graphic Art Print on Canvas Click Wall Art Format: Black Framed, Size: 10.5" H x 12.5" W
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Click Wall Art framed canvases are printed on archival quality canvas pre-mounted to a sturdy backer board. This will ensure that your canvas print will never stretch or sag in the frame. They also have a more textured look than the traditional canvas wraps due to the fact that this is a natural material; you will typically see variations in the canvas material that will show in your print. This is not a defect, but a natural characteristic of the product. The print is framed in an intricately molded frame that is made out of a recycled composite material that is lightweight and durable. The selected finishes and textures are embossed onto the frame. This green technique produces a frame that is aesthetically gorgeous, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly. Click Wall Art Format: Black Framed, Size: 10.5" H x 12.5" W



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