Stella & Chewy’s Freeze Dried Raw Super Beef Meal Mixer – Dog Food Topper for Small & Large Breeds – Grain Free, Protein Rich Recipe – 3.5 oz Bag

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A Little Raw Goes a Long Way: Our Meal Mixer toppers offer the protein-rich taste dogs crave with the nutrition they deserve — pure, simple raw food delivered in its natural state.Kickstart Your Kibble! A scoop of our Meal Mixer is a convenient way to add nutrient-rich meat, wholesome fruits and veggies, probiotics and antioxidants to any diet; it’s also great for a full meal solution.Irresistible Taste Dogs Love! Made of 95% beef, organs and bone, such as beef tripe, our grass-fed Beef recipe will delight your pup.Whole Prey Ingredients: Feeding your pet a diet similar to what their ancestors enjoyed in the wild helps your pet thrive; a raw diet helps support healthy digestion, strong teeth and gums, vibrant skin and coat, and stamina and vitality.Grain Free: Easy for canines of all life stages to digest, our nutritious, grain-free recipe has NO unnecessary fillers and only the finest ingredients.Supports Whole Body Health: Fortified with added vitamins and minerals, our Freeze-Dried Raw formula helps improve your dog’s entire well-being, with fiber and probiotics for digestive support and taurine for heart health.Natural Nutrition: Organic fruits and veggies, such as carrots, cranberries, spinach and beets provide antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and overall energy; omega fatty acids from pumpkin and fenugreek seeds provide skin and coat support.Crafted in the USA: We use responsibly sourced, premium ingredients, minimal processing, and a small-batch production process in all our recipes.Only the Good Stuff: Our low-carb and high-protein recipe has NO potatoes, peas, lentils, or by-product meals — never any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.The Stella & Chewy Satisfaction Guarantee: Our mission is to provide the highest quality natural pet food with an emphasis on nutrition, palatability, safety and convenience



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