Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator PO-16 Factory, Lead Synthesizer for Keys Melodies. Sequencer with Parameter Locks, Play Styles & Punch-in Effects


PROVIDES MULTIPLE LEAD SYNTH TONES - The Teenage Engineering PO-16 Factory provides 15 assorted synths ranging from FM, wavetable, subtractive synthesis, to physical modeled string.OFFERS A MICRO DRUM MACHINE SAMPLE - Aside from lead and chord synth tones, PO-16 also has a cool micro-drum machine in the manufacturer sound preset list.LETS YOU EASILY PROGRAM CHORDS - The 16 punch-in play styles enable you to programs chords, transpositions, and arpeggios.WORKS AS STANDALONE - You can use the PO-16 Factory alone with the use of the onboard Knowles speaker No need for external gear.SYNCS WITH MULTIPLE UNITS - You can connect PO-16 Factory with 2 other Pocket Operators using standard stereo audio cables You can also sync PO-16 with external devices like a PC

