Solid Gold Dry Puppy Food w/Nutrientboost - Made with Real Chicken & Nutritious Superfoods - Love at First Bark Grain Free Puppy Dry Food for Healthy Growth, Energy and Gut Wellness - 22 LB Bag


Give Your Pup a Boost! - Solid Gold nutrientboost Love at First Bark is a natural dry dog food that supports gut, immune, skin, coat, and cognitive health for any small, medium, or large puppy breed..Powered by nutrientboost – Connect your dog to their natural roots with this natural protein source proven to support canine digestive health, while also supporting nutrient absorption..Probiotic Formula for Pet Digestion & Immunity - This craveable dog food features pumpkin and living probiotics for dogs to support their digestive health, gut flora, and immune system function..Easy to Chew & Craveable Taste - This grain and gluten free puppy dog food was designed for small mouths to help puppies chew with ease while they enjoy the delicious flavor of every bite..Best Ingredients for Your Little Fur Baby - Includes antioxidants, superfood, vitamins, and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids (with EPA and DHA) for skin, coat, and immune support for new canine companions.



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