Taste of the Wild PREY ® Real Meat High Protein Limited Ingredient Dry Dog Food Grain-Free Recipe Made with Premium Real Ingredients That Provide High Amounts of Protein, Antioxidants, and Probiotics

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REAL ANGUS BEEF is the #1 ingredient, high-quality, NO MEAL and PROTEIN-RICH for lean, strong muscles.For some pets, a LIMITED-INGREDIENT DIET may be EASIER TO DIGEST, so this recipe uses only FOUR KEY INGREDIENTS: pasture-raised Angus beef, lentils, tomato pomace and sunflower oil.A simple food, complete and balanced with added MICRONUTRIENTS and GUARANTEED omega fatty acids to support healthy SKIN & COAT.Added FLAVOR from savory seasoning; includes 80 MILLION CFU/lb proprietary PROBIOTICS GUARANTEED for digestive support.Formulated with NO GRAINS OR GMO ingredients; NO ARTIFICIAL colors, flavors or preservatives added



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