NutriSource High Plains Select Grain Free Dry Dog Food, Beef, Trout and Turkey Meal, 26LB

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CONTAINS: (1) 26LB Bag of NutriSource High Plains Select Dry Dog Food.As a member of our grain free series, NutriSource High Plains Select Dry Dog Food is formulated to meet AAFCO guidelines for all lifestages.NutriSource grain free formulas deliver compact nutrition and include prebiotics and probiotics to help support a healthy gut.Balanced Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids along with L-Carnitine, taurine, choline chloride and DL Methionine supplementation to promote heart health make NutriSource grain free formulas stand out.Go Full Circle: Give your dog the variety they crave, maintain a healthy gut with rotational feeding, and optimize nutrition by introducing diverse proteins—all with simple steps, tasty options, improved digestion, less scratching, more energy, and a fun and fresh approach to keep your pup happy.



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