Eureka Seas The Day Letter, Number, Punctuation Mark, and Symbol Classroom Decorations for Teachers, 4" H, 182 Pieces, Blue


Set comes with 182 letters, including: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals, punctuation marks, and symbols (design element does not appear on every letter/number and varies in placement).Individual wall and bulletin board letter cut outs/number cut outs measure 4".Teach students their numbers and letters with an amazing aquatic themed thanks to these 123 and ABC wall decal cutouts from Eureka!.Teachers can use these cutouts to accent a chalkboard or whiteboard, as a number and letter bulletin board set, or as classroom door decorations or classroom window decorations to spell out fun and welcoming messages!.Easy to assemble and printed on heavy weight cardstock, our number and alphabet wall decals are designed so teachers can reuse them every new school year

