Stewart Freeze Dried Dog Food Topper, PuffTops, Made in USA with Real Bacon, Healthy, Natural, Freeze Dried Dog Treats, Delicious Dog Food Toppers, Bacon and Cheese Recipe, 3.5 Ounce Resealable Pouch

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Limited Ingredient Toppers: These freeze-dried meal toppers are gluten-free, nitrate and nitrite free, additive free, and are packed with protein to support overall health.A healthier option: Freeze-drying preserves the natural nutrients in the treats, making for lightweight, easily-stored treats.Nutrient-rich: Rich in Omega 6 fatty acids and taurine, ensuring your best friend has a healthy coat and heart.No added flavoring: Our meal toppers are made with real bacon and real cheese along with other ingredients like egg whites, carrot, sweet potato, and salmon oil.Perfect meal topper: Healthy dog products for small, medium, and large dogs; a lightweight dog food topper to enhance boring meals to ensure high quality and nutrition for your best friend, conveniently packaged in a resealable pouch.Made in USA: Manufactured in the USA and crafted with care in small batches to provide healthy, deliciously made toppers your pup will love



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