ORIJEN REGIONAL RED Freeze Dried Grain Free Dog Food and Topper WholePrey Ingredients, 6 oz.
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ORIJEN Freeze-Dried Epic Bites dry dog food is nourishing freeze-dried dog food made with 90% raw animal ingredients* including beef, lamb, wild boar, pork and wild-caught fish. ORIJEN Epic Bites dog food can be fed as a nourishing topper on their favorite ORIJEN dry dog food, as a standalone meal rich with nutrients and flavor, or as rewarding treats. As a dog food topper, these ORIJEN WholePrey bites add flavor, texture and raw animal ingredients to their favorite ORIJEN dog food kibble. Give your dog real, raw nourishment conveniently freeze-dried with ORIJEN Epic Bites freeze dried dog food. *Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients. Our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen.



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