ORIJEN High Protein, Amazing Grains Six Fish Dry Dog Food, 4 lbs.
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Nourish your dog with the protein and grains found in ORIJEN AMAZING GRAINS Six Fish Recipe Dry Dog Food. This ORIJEN dog food kibble provides DHA and EPA Omega 3 from rich fish oil to maintain a beautiful coat and healthy skin while supporting healthy immune function. This high protein dog food is packed with 90% quality fish ingredients*, providing a source of essential protein, vitamins, and minerals. The first six ingredients of this dry dog food are wild-caught whole mackerel, whole herring, salmon, whole pilchard, flounder and monkfish. This kibble offers an authentic ORIJEN WholePrey recipe crafted to mimic what your dog's ancestors consumed in the wild. Our included fresh ingredients use refrigeration as the sole method of preservation and our included raw ingredients are frozen at their peak freshness. *Approximate 90%. Derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients.



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