ORIJEN Small Breed Dry Dog Food, Grain Free Dry Dog Food for Small Breeds, Fresh or Raw Ingredients, 4lb

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One (1) 4 lb bag of ORIJEN Small Breed Grain Free* Dry Dog Food.ORIJEN grain free* dog food for small dogs is tailored to meet the nutritional needs of your small dog with a unique kibble shape that's easier to eat.Grain free* dog food containing 85 percent** animal ingredients, including WholePrey ingredients like nourishing organs to mimic what your dog's ancestors consumed in the wild.First five ingredients are fresh or raw poultry and fish, so your dog can get a high protein dog food with the protein, vitamins and minerals they need.Dry dog food kibble is made in the USA with quality ingredients from around the world; no soy, corn, tapioca or wheat ingredients are added in our kitchen



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