ACANA Highest Protein Dry Dog Food Meadowland Recipe - 25 lb Bag
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Bring home the quality nutrition your dog needs to thrive with ACANA Grain Free* Meadowland Recipe Dry Dog Food. This high protein dog food is for all life stages and includes prebiotics and fiber to support healthy digestion. Protein-rich chicken, turkey and wild-caught and sustainably farmed fish are balanced with whole pumpkin, collard greens, butternut squash, apples and pears to offer a nutritious option for your dog. This ACANA dog food is 70 percent** quality animal ingredients and 30 percent*** fruits, vegetables and nutrients. Even better, this grain free* dog food kibble has a freeze dried coating made of chicken and turkey liver for a delicious taste your dog will crave. Choose ACANA grain free* dry dog food to give your companion the nutritional foundation they need to live a happy, healthy life. *Produced in a facility that also processes grains**Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients ***We also add vitamins, minerals, natural preservatives flavors and probioticsWhy We Love ItOne (1) 4.5 lb bag of ACANA Grain Free* Meadowland Recipe Dry Dog FoodA freeze dried coating adds rich flavor dogs crave, while Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help support healthy skin and a shiny coatFrom limited ingredient diets to recipes for all life stages, ACANA® recipes for dogs and cats are thoughtfully crafted from start to finish to ensure that your pet has the high quality, balanced nutrition needed to live a long and happy life.



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