ACANA Wholesome Grains Lamb & Pumpkin Recipe Dry Dog Food, 4 lbs.
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We're obsessed with every nutritious ingredient that goes into ACANA Wholesome Grains Lamb & Pumpkin Recipe Dry Dog Food. This high protein dog food is for all life stages and includes a fiber-rich grain blend featuring oats, sorghum and millet plus a blend of pre- and probiotics to help support digestive health. This ACANA dry dog food kibble is 60%* quality animal ingredients balanced with 40%** wholesome grains, fruit, vegetables and nutrients to nurture your dog completely. This recipe includes protein from a single animal source, making it perfect for picky pups! You know you are making a better choice for your pet when you nourish them with whole food nutrition from pumpkin and wholesome grains. It will make your dog feel so good on the inside, you'll see it on the outside! *Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients **We also add vitamins, minerals, natural preservatives, flavors and probiotics.



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