ACANA Red Meat Recipe Dry Dog Food - 4.5 lb Bag
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Bring home the quality nutrition your dog needs to thrive with ACANA Grain Free* Red Meat Recipe Dry Dog Food. Protein-rich, Fresh or Raw Farm-Raised Beef, Yorkshire Pork & Raw Lamb are balanced with whole pumpkin, collard greens, apples and pears to offer a delicious, nutritious option for your dog. This ACANA dog food is 60 percent* quality animal ingredients and 40 percent** fruits, vegetables and nutrients. This grain free* dog food kibble has a freeze dried coating made of beef, pork and lamb for a delicious taste your dog will crave. Our included fresh ingredients use refrigeration as the sole method of preservation and our included raw ingredients are frozen at their peak freshness. Choose ACANA grain free* dry dog food to give your companion the nutritional foundation they need to live a happy, healthy life. *Produced in a facility that also processes grains *Approximate and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients **We also add vitamins, minerals, natural preservatives flavors and probioticsWhy We Love ItOne (1) 13 lb bag of ACANA Grain Free* Red Meat Recipe Dry Dog FoodHigh protein dog food recipe features 60 percent* high-quality animal ingredients and 40 percent** wholesome fruits, vegetables and nutrients and fiber to help support digestive healthA freeze dried coating adds rich flavor dogs crave, while Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids help support healthy skin and a shiny coatFrom limited ingredient diets to recipes for all life stages, ACANA recipes for dogs and cats are thoughtfully crafted from start to finish to ensure that your pet has the high quality, balanced nutrition needed to live a long and happy life.



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