ORIJEN Grain Free, High Protein, Premium Raw Meat, Tundra Freeze Dried Dog Food, 6 oz.
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Help your dog thrive with ORIJEN TUNDRA Freeze Dried Medallions. This ORIJEN freeze dried dog food and topper is freeze dried to lock in the rich nutrients and flavor of raw animal ingredients. Containing up to 90% quality animal ingredients*, ORIJEN grain free** freeze dried dog food provides a high protein diet. Ingredients include venison, duck, wild-caught flounder, whole herring, lamb, wild boar and goat. ORIJEN WholePrey ingredients including organs and bones provide your dog with the most succulent and nutrient-rich parts of prey. Serve it as a nutrient-rich meal by adding warm water and stirring or enhance your dog's favorite meal by crumbling ORIJEN TUNDRA freeze dried medallions and using them as a dog food topper. Our included fresh ingredients are delivered refrigerated and our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen. *Approximate 90%, and derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients. **Produced in a facility that also processes grains.



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