ORIJEN Grain Free, Fit & Trim, Support Healthy Weight, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients Dry Dog Food, 4.5 lbs.
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Help your dog thrive with ORIJEN Fit and Trim Dry Dog Food. This ORIJEN grain free* dry dog food is made to support lean muscle mass. With a Biologically Appropriate recipe, this grain free* dog food kibble is based on what your canine's ancestors consumed in the wild. Containing 85%** animal ingredients, ORIJEN dog food provides a high protein diet that will nourish a lifetime of adventures. The first five ingredients of this high protein dog food are always high-quality poultry and fish ingredients, including chicken, chicken liver, turkey giblets, turkey, and cod. ORIJEN WholePrey ingredients including nourishing organs provide your dog with the most succulent and nutrient-rich parts of prey. Our included fresh ingredients are delivered refrigerated and our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen. *Produced in a facility that also processes grains **Approximate 85%. Derived from unprocessed state of the ingredients.



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