ORIJEN Grain Free, Original, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients Dry Dog Food, 4.5 lbs.
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Give your dog the protein-rich nutrition it needs with ORIJEN Original Dry Dog Food. This grain free* dry dog food kibble is made with antioxidant-rich ingredients and Vitamin E to help support a healthy immune system and provides naturally occurring Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids to support healthy skin and a shiny coat. This ORIJEN dog food recipe is made with 85%** animal ingredients like free-run*** chicken, free-run*** turkey and wild-caught fish. The first five ingredients of this high protein dog food are fresh or raw chicken, turkey, salmon, whole herring, chicken liver. Our included fresh ingredients are delivered refrigerated and our included raw ingredients are delivered frozen. *Produced in a facility that also processes grains **Approximate 85%, Derived from the unprocessed state of the ingredients ***Our free-run chickens and turkeys are not housed in cages and are able to move in a barn without outdoor access.



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