Hill's Science Diet Science Diet Adult Chicken & Barley Mega Pack
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When your dog is in the prime of his life, he needs a quality dog food that keeps up. The Hill's Science Diet Adult Dry Dog Food uses a high quality protein source for lean muscles, natural fibers for healthy digestion and omega-6s for a beautiful coat. Specially formulated to make grown dogs come running for mealtime, this delicious adult dog food provides the right balance of nutrients to help your grown-up dog live a happy, healthy life. Science Diet dog food made with natural ingredients is #1 veterinarian recommended and is formulated for a great taste adult dogs love. There's more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes, & new formulas. Delicious dog food made with natural ingredients uses high quality, easy-to-digest ingredients to fuel the specific energy needs of your full-grown dog Helps maintain a beautiful skin and a healthy coat by providing a precise balance of omega-6 & vitamin E Nutritious dog food supports lean muscle growth and maintenance in your adult dog with a premium source of high quality protein Packed with natural fibers to promote healthy digestion for your fully grown dog Chicken and barley adult dog food, made with natural ingredients Made in the USA with global ingredients you can trust #1 veterinarian recommended 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


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