Bully Max 25/11 High Protein & Low Fat Dry Lamb Dog Food for Puppies and Adult Dogs - Chicken-Free Lamb Flavor - Natural Puppy Food for All Ages, Small and Large Breeds - Large Kibble Size, 5 lb. Bag


LEAN MUSCLE & HEALTHY WEIGHT FORMULA: Bully Max's High Protein Dog Food, with 25% protein and only 11% fat, is perfect for weight management while preserving muscle mass in all dog breeds, including Pitbulls and Rottweilers. This chicken-free dog food, which is 45% leaner than our 30/20 formula, supports muscle maintenance without excess fat and is ideal for dogs with poultry allergies..SUPER PREMIUM INGREDIENTS: Our 25/11 High-Protein Dog Food prioritizes health with nutrient-rich grains like barley and oats, alongside natural vegetables such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and kelp. Fortified with essential minerals (Zinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Cobalt, Calcium) and vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, K, and enhanced with postbiotics and probiotics, it supports digestive health and immunity, offering comprehensive nutrition for your dog's vitality..CLEAN, HIGH PROTEIN DOG FOOD: Bully Max 25/11 is packed with high-quality protein to support your pet's muscle growth and overall health. It's the best dog food choice for active adult dogs of all breeds and sizes. Bully Max ensures your pet enjoys a diet free from artificial colors, flavors, byproducts, and common allergens like corn, wheat, or soy, promoting a healthy, active lifestyle. Plus, its delicious taste will have your dog's tail wagging at mealtime..VERSATILE NUTRITION FOR EVERY DOG: Suitable for all breeds and ages, whether you're feeding a small or a large breed, this chicken-free lamb flavor dry dog food will meet their nutritional needs and keep them energized throughout the day. This formula meets AFFCO requirements for complete and balanced nutrition. Used by UKC, ABKC, and AKC champion show dogs, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, English and French Bulldog, Rottweiler, and German Shepherd..TRUSTED FAMILY-OWNED BRAND: Bully Max upholds exceptional manufacturing standards with a strict triple-check system for unmatched safety and quality, boasting zero recalls. Made in the USA with globally sourced ingredients, our products are free from corn, soy, wheat, and harmful chemicals. Dedicated to excellence in pet care, we offer a diverse range of products including high performance dog food, and premium dog supplements, ensuring top-quality nutrition for every dog or puppy.



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