Purina Pro Plan High Protein Dog Food Wet Pate, Beef and Rice Entree
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Delight your dog at feeding time when you offer up Purina Pro Plan Complete Essentials Beef and Rice Entree Classic adult wet dog food. This super-premium wet dog food features real beef as the first ingredient for a taste dogs love and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Each serving of our canned pate dog food includes highly digestible rice along with other high-quality ingredients, including nutrients to help support his healthy skin and coat. The tempting taste and tender texture enrich his mealtime experience, and we formulate the nutritious entree with high protein to support ideal body condition. The high-quality protein in our can dog food pate formula helps build lean muscles. Each bowlful contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals and 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs. Provide your canine companion with outstanding nutrition and exceptional taste when you make this Purina Pro Plan Complete Essentials wet pate dog food part of his daily feeding routine. Show him just how important he is to you with each mouthwatering bite. We proudly manufacture this Purina Pro Plan beef and rice canned ground dog food formula at Purina-owned U.S. facilities. Adult dog food loaf is made with real beef for a taste dogs love and high protein to support ideal body condition Our premium dog food helps support a healthy immune system and nourishes healthy skin and coat High protein dog food helps build lean muscles and provides 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs Beef dog food pate formula made with 23 essential vitamins and nutrients and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives High quality dog food proudly manufactured at Purina-owned, U.S. facilities Spoil your pet with Purina products. Reward yourself with points on every purchase. Download the myPurina app today


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